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Dynamic Value Systems (DVS)

Understand the Drivers Behind Our Behavior

Addressing Current Challenges

In today's world, people experience tensions, relationship problems, burnouts, traumas, loneliness, and issues related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Mental health care cannot cope with the demand, with long waiting times and a focus on symptom alleviation. How did we end up here? People have become disconnected from what is important to them, either due to a lack of insight or because they lost it along the way in life. Do you have a clear picture of how you see the world? Is it a dangerous place, or is it a world full of opportunities that you can mold yourself? This is determined by your personal value systems, the thought programs in your brain that guide your behavior and form your core motivation. Until now, these programs have automatically and unconsciously influenced your decisions, fears, behavior, and emotions. DVS offers an opportunity to consciously climb the ladder of your own value hierarchy.

A Journey Through Your Evolution

In this module, we take you on a fascinating journey through 125,000 years of human evolution, providing insight into the basic principles behind your daily choices and behaviors. Based on the groundbreaking work of Professor Clare W. Graves, known as Spiral Dynamics, you learn how your personal and professional life has been shaped by deep-seated value systems.

Value Systems and Their Influence

This training reveals the 8 unique value systems identified by Graves and shows you how to recognize these levels in yourself and others. You discover the 'gaps' in these value layers and how they unconsciously guide your behavior. With this insight, you can not only better understand your own worldview and core motivations but also those of others.

Practical Application and Results

  • The training provides immediate, applicable techniques. You learn:

  • How to understand and use the value hierarchy to promote personal transformation

  • Strategies for better communication and more effective collaboration

  • The influence of values on well-being, relationships, and professional performance

  • How to develop flexibility in behavior and decision-making by understanding your and others' value systems

  • Through practical examples and interactive sessions, you discover how these value systems influence your actions and emotions

  • We draw connections between global events and personal behavioral patterns and explore how you can apply these insights to bring about positive changes in your life and work


For Leaders and HR Professionals

Are you a leader or HR professional committed to greater sustainability within the organization? The DVS training provides you with the keys to a more sustainable business operation by gaining insight into your team members' driving forces. By better understanding and aligning your organization's core values with personal values, you create an environment where employees feel understood and valued. This leads to less stress, better collaboration, and greater engagement in sustainable initiatives.

A Valuable Skill for Everyone

Dynamic Value Systems is a valuable module for anyone who:

  • Wants to gain deeper insight into their own behavior and values

  • Leads groups and wants to understand how team members can collaborate better

  • Wants to support others in their growth and problem-solving

  • Seeks to optimize business operations through value-driven communication and change management

Personal and Professional Growth

After completing this training, you will be able to better understand and influence your behavior and that of others. You will be able to identify and resolve communication barriers, making you more flexible and effective in various situations. You will learn to motivate, lead, and collaborate at an advanced level, leading to improved business operations and personal relationships.

Ready to Start Your Transformation?

DVS – Dynamic Value Systems is not just a training; it is a powerful journey of self-discovery and professional improvement. By gaining insight into the core values that shape our behavior, you can successfully implement changes and create a harmonious and productive environment. Enroll in the "Dynamic Value Systems" module and start your transformation today. Discover how knowledge of our value systems can be the key to your success, well-being, and sustainable improvement of your organization.


The training takes place at Het Wapen van Zoetermeer, Zegwaartseweg 31, 2723 PA Zoetermeer. There is ample free parking available.


On request


The training costs €1,999. The DVS training lasts 6 days, divided into 3 blocks of 2 days.

Register here .

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